Fast Food Chicken Sandwich: Burger King
Category:Dining,FoodOur local Burger King always has a long cue of cars lined up at the drive through. So, one day, middle of the week, I decided to get ahead of the inevitable crowds and struck out early to snag the next contestant in our Fast Food Chicken Sandwich comparisons. This photo is of a recently unsheathed Spicy Crispy Chicken Sandwich from BK. It arrives in an insulated bag, perfect for taking home without the loss of too much heat. Immediately you can see this is not an ordinary take-out chicken sanny, it’s a beast. The fillet is white (why don’t they use the thigh?), wonderfully seasoned, and juicy, thick breast meat. The addition of the cooling properties of thick sliced tomato and whole leaves of lettuce plays well with the spicy crust and sauce all tucked between a lovely, perfectly soft but strong bun. It really doesn’t get better than this for fast food eating. Next up: KFC. It’s going to be hard to top the BK Spicy Crispy Chicken!